Thursday, December 11, 2008

Using Video to Increase Conversions

For those who joined us last night and for those who could not, here is the Power Point Presentation and voiceover by John Fodor, PhD, discussing video content for websites.

In the presentation, he discusses the difference between formal video (shot by a professional) and casual video (shot by the physician or dentist). He makes recommendations about camera choices, lighting and presentation. He shows some video elements from Dr. Richard D'Amico's website. (keep in mind that video from a site that's part of a webinar will have a herky-jerky quality to it--for best viewing of those sites, go directly to or to view their formal videos. Both sites have video dispersed throughout their sites as well as in a Video Library.

At the conclusion of Fodor's presentation, Nick Matelan, PhD, gives a short talk about the value of video for search engine optimization purposes. He mentions taking the script from your video and placing it on the website to add fresh content, and how linking video clips from YouTube and other video sites can influence your position on the search engines.

Feel free to contact either of our presenters for more information or clarification of anything you hear on the webinar. Fodor can be reached at Phone is 845.339.4337 or cell is 845.430.3999. Nick Matelan can be reached at or 212.541.6017.

If you have any trouble seeing the webinar, click on this link where it will automatically download the webinar directly to your desktop. You can then resize it to your needs. The webinar is best viewed in Windows Media Player. If you don't have WMP, you can download it, free, here.

To your success,

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